

Protokit is designed to be modular from the ground up, but where does the modularity come from? Rollups in general have a 3 different layers of modularity: Settlement, Execution and Data Availability.

The Protokit framework provides built-in tools for addressing each of these layers, either directly or indirectly (by outsourcing the responsibilities).

Protokit's Application chain is composed of the following modularity layers: Runtime, Protocol and Sequencer. Every modularity layer accepts a set of purpose-specific modules implemented in Typescript.

Existing modules from 3rd party open-source projects can be easily reused too!

LayerResponsibilitiesExample modules
RuntimeBusiness logic of the application chainBalances, Vesting, Escrow, ...
ProtocolUnderlying state machine & block production circuitsStateTransitionProver, BlockProver, ...
SequencerOrchestrates runtime & protocol, handles the block production pipeline, mempool and morePrivateMempool, BlockProducer, GraphQLModule, ...

Settlement, execution and data availability

How does settlement, execution and data availability fit into the architecture of Protokit? The framework primarily takes care of the execution layer of your rollup, outsourcing the settlement layer to the Mina L1 blockchain.

Data availability

In the current version of the SDK the data availability layer is handled by the sequencer, making all Protokit application chains validiums (opens in a new tab). Once the action/sequence state mempool module becomes available, the data availability will be (optionally) outsourced to the Mina L1 as well. Alternatively if you'd like to use a different data availability layer, you could implement your own sequencer module.

Rollup as a state machine

Blockchains and especially rollups are simply state machines that describe how a state of a system can transition from state A to state B. Protokit is built with this concept in mind, providing a set of tools to make it easy to implement your own rollup as a set of provable state transitions.

State in a rollup is represented by a merkle tree (opens in a new tab) of potentially variable height, where each leaf represents a piece of the state itself. Merkle trees are then represented by their root hash. Thanks to a combination of merkle trees and zero-knowledge proofs, an app chain can transition from state A to state B in a provable way.

Producing a block is equivalent to applying a set of state transitions from state A to state B, where the state transitions are a result of executing user's transactions on the rollup itself.

Application chain

Application chain is a top level modularity container that contains all the components required to run a rollup.

To ensure compatibility and ease of development between clients and sequencer(s), an app-chain definition can be reused for both the client(s) and the sequencer. Light clients are responsible for forging transactions on the client side, while the sequencer is responsible for e.g. producing blocks after receiving said transactions. Both of these share a portion of the app-chain definition, such as the runtime.

As mentioned previously, the app-chain is composed of 3 additional layers 👇